TSK Bartlett (Pty) Ltd

Standing of Matter
Board of directors passes resolution for Business Rescue on
File notice of resolution with CIPC on
Publish notice to affected parties-within 5 days from filing
Company nominates a BRP within 5 days of filing
CIPC confirms the appointment of BRP
File notice to CIPC on BRP appointment within 2 days
Publish notice to affected parties of BRP wihin 5 days
First meeting of creditors-10 days from appointment
First meeting of employees-10 days from appointment
Publish Business Plan within 25 days of appointment of BRP on
Notice of meeting to determine Business Plan
Meeting to determine Business Plan 10 days after publication
Termination Date
Progress Report (Status)
December 2022 Status Report Uploaded
January 2023 Status Report Uploaded
February 2023 Status Report Uploaded
March 2023 Status Report Uploaded
April 2023 Status Report Uploaded
May 2023 Status Report Uploaded
June 2023 Status Report Uploaded
July 2023 Status Report Uploaded
August 2023 Status Report Uploaded
September 2023 Status Report Uploaded
Issued court application and Notice of in terms of rule 41A uploaded
Confirmatory Affidavit has been uploaded
Provisional Court Order uploaded
CoR125.2 uploaded
Notice of Set Down uploaded
Final Court Order uploaded
Admin Person